1. Simple Vector addition
    • One limitation of Triton: BLOCK_SIZE must be a power-of-2
     ''' Simple Vector addition '''
     import torch
     import triton
     import triton.language as tl
     def add_kernel(x_ptr,
                    BLOCK_SIZE: tl.constexpr): # 'constexpr' so it can used as a shape value. ??
         pid = tl.program_id(axis=0)
         print(pid) # refer to image below for total number of prints
         block_start = pid * BLOCK_SIZE
         offsets = tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)
         mask = block_start + offsets < n_elements
         x = tl.load(x_ptr + block_start + offsets, mask=mask)
         y = tl.load(y_ptr + block_start + offsets, mask=mask)
         output = x + y
         tl.store(output_ptr + block_start + offsets, output, mask=mask)
     size = 10
     x = torch.rand(size, device='cuda')
     y = torch.rand(size, device='cuda')
     output = torch.empty_like(x)
     # grid = lambda meta : (tl.cdiv(size, meta['BLOCK_SIZE']), ) # Error: cannot call @triton.jit'd outside of the scope of a kernel
                                                                  # tl.cdiv cannot be compiled outside the kernel without @triton.jit
     grid = lambda meta : (triton.cdiv(size, meta['BLOCK_SIZE']), )
     add_kernel[grid](x, y, output, size, BLOCK_SIZE=4, num_warps=1)
     print("pid: ", pid)
     # Total number of programs = 3
     # Each program will be printed: num_warps * warp_size
     # Total number of prints: num_programs * (num_warps * warp_size)

    Vector add illustration:

  1. Simple Matrix Multiplication
    • 4x4 Matrix: tl.arange(0,4)[:, None] + tl.arange(0,4)[None, :]
  1. Testing